Welcome to the DGT-OmegaT project, a fork of OmegaT, developed by the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission.
The aim of this project is not to build a new community that "competes" with the team maintaining the original OmegaT. We publish our code to allow anyone to look at the features we built for our own needs, and leave it up to OmegaT community to decide whether some of them can be reused. We do not intend to encourage users to switch to our version of OmegaT, but to test it and give us feedback, and eventually ask the OmegaT's core team to think about possibility of integration of some of our features.
DGT-OmegaT is published as-is, without express or implied warranties, and comes without support. The contact page and the comments facility in the website are there to enable a discussion about the actual features, not to make feature requests. If you see a bug, please report it using the issues tracker but we do not guarantee that eventual problems will be solved.