
Teambase is an alternative way to share work in real time between OmegaT users, using a SQL database as in intermediate. The main advantage compared to using Git or Subversion is that there is no latency: each segment validated by you is immediately available for all users connected to the same database; they do not have to wait for the next time you save, automatically or not. And of course you will immediately see other people's work the same way. Another advantage is that you are not required to share the entire project : Teambase can be used to share real-time work between projects related to the same thematic, such as two manuals related to the same software. Last but not least, Teambase memories are shareable between various CAT tools, with some limitations but in real time.


Let's detail the second point. Git/Subversion modes in OmegaT work by sharing the entire project, including the files which are not supposed to change during the lifecycle of the project, such as source files and non-writable glossaries. Teambase instead, enables sharing the equivalent of one of the modifiable files: if you want to share several files, you have to create the same number of connections to the database (but the plugin will manage to open less physical connections if possible). So, you can share :

  1. One or more memories, as if you had TMX files in the tm/ directory ;

  2. One or more glossaries, as if you had files in the glossaries/ directory ;
    as actually inside OmegaT, one of these files can be the main glossary: if you set it to Teambase, you obtain a shared writable glossary ;

  3. The project-save memory

  4. Other-language project-save memories, i.e. what is in tmx2source directory

For all of the four previous points, a new select query is done to the database each time you go to a new segment. Memories (1) can be accessed in read-only or in read-write mode, in the second case each modified segment is sent to the memory, but you can define rules to prevent some useless insertions. Project-save (3) connections are always read-write, and the read query is a synchronization, meaning that you receive all changes, based on date, not contents. Other langage projects (4) are read the same way, but not written. Finally, glossaries (2) are updated if, and only if, you did the connection as main glossary.

Still not convinced? Look here for a comparison between various solutions now available in OmegaT for sharing projects. Note that we listed only solutions we already know, and from our point of view: you can make comments if you do not agree with something said in this page, this is open for debate.


Since this is a client/server application, the situation is more complex than for all features discussed until now. The distributed binary version of DGT-OmegaT includes the client plugin, but for the sources and the server part, this has been put in a separate project. Furthermore, the idea of this server came a long time before DGT users were finally interested in it. That is the reason why the server part is in another web site - in fact, Teambase is nothing more than a personnalization of Silvestris/Cyclotis project, not the other way around.



Installing a server

Usage inside OmegaT

For developpers : patches and plugin


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