DGT-OmegaT 3.3 update 1 published

This version is an attempt to reduce dependency to JAXB

JAXB is an old way to load Java objects from XML. But it has the following inconveniences:

  1. It requires lot of time and memory for objects which are, in reality, used only a small amount of time
    (this was especially true for TMX and TBX, for which JAXB had already been removed from previous versions)
  2. It is based on XML schemas but proposes no standard way to make a partial load if the file is corrupted (by contrast, our StaX-based implementation of TBX is now compatible with TBX 2 as well as TBX 3, and will simply ignore parts which it does not understand)
  3. It is not present anymore in Java 9 or later versions.

Core OmegaT team solved the last problem by adding the needed JAR files in all downloadable OmegaT versions. This works without any problem. But due to other mentioned inconvenients, we want to try another approach which is to remove JAXB completely from OmegaT.

For the moment we removed use of JAXB for project file (omegat.project) and SRX files. It is still used for filters.xml and TaaS (which are more complex, but we plan to remove them as well)



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